In that way, people became afraid to raid the city. They were showing that they could take what they wanted from others. Al-Kisa'i suggests that the people of Sodom had taken to showing their city's dominance by raping strangers. Scholar Muhammad ibn Abdallah Al-Kisa'i puts the strange behavior of the men in context. It is used to coerce, control or punish the victim. This is an example of rape, not an example of sexual desire. The Qu'ran says that the men of Sodom wanted to have sex with the visiting angels by force. Were Lut's wife, other women and the children of Sodom punished for male homosexuality? That does not seem to be a reasonable conclusion. According to the Qur'an, the whole city was destroyed. Men were not the only ones punished in the destruction of Sodom. Yet the word "transgressions" in the Qur'an can mean something sexual or something non-sexual. Some scholars interpret the "transgressions" in the story of Lut to refer to male homosexuality.

God then punished the entire city of Sodom for rejecting their Prophet and for "transgressions." Later, the men of Sodom threatened to rape Lut's male visitors, who were angels disguised as men. In the story, the Prophet Lut first advised the people of the city of Sodom to follow God's path, but they ignored him. Verse 24:31-34 says ghayri uli l-ir’bati mina l-rijali having no physical desire for women among the men. It seems clear that sexual diversity must also be a type of human diversity that was created by God's divine wisdom. Verse 30:22 says God has created human beings with different alwan, a word that can mean both "colors" and "tastes." Human beings certainly have different tastes in many things-including sexuality. There is no mention of homosexuality in the Quran. I would like to get your opinion on the subject. Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle in his book titled Sexual Diversity in Islam makes compelling arguments. This research reinforces the theory that the context of the Prophet and his people when the Qur'an was revealed is a very important element to consider as someone tries to understand the message of the Qur'an.Dr. This research found that, according to Khalafullah, the stories used by the Koran as an effective way to attract the interest and attention of Muslims at that time found the relationship between the story of Lut and his people with the psychological condition of the Prophet and his followers, and there is a relation between the story of Lut and the psychological atmosphere of the Prophet's opponents at that time.

In his method, he revealed a psychological muna>sabah between stories and the conditions of the prophet or society when the Qur'an was revealed. Khalafullah, in contrast to the others, tried to study the stories in the Koran by using literary methods. But some commentators have been ‘Fascinated' by revealing the reality of historical events, thus leaving the essence of the meaning contained.

The purpose of the present story is as a guide, warning, threat to humans. One of the stories in the Koran is the story of Lut and his people. In the Qur'an, the mention of stories fulfills a quarter of the number of verses there are recorded 1,453 to 1,600 verses. One of the most important ways the Koran uses to convey the messages of God is to use stories.